10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a WordPress Web Designers

by | Mar 19, 2024 | Web Design Sydney


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Reasons to consider investing in a WordPress web designer.

If you are a small business owner, or entrepreneur, it is important to have a strong web presence. Not only does this help customers find your business, but it also gives you credibility. One of the best ways to create a strong web presence for your business is through WordPress web design.

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that helps businesses of all sizes create a website. WordPress websites are advantageous for several reasons: they’re easy to use and maintain, they’re search engine friendly, and they can be customised to fit your unique needs. If you’re contemplating creating a website for your business, WordPress is a great option.


Really, Why You Should Invest in a WordPress Web Designer? When it comes to business, having a website is becoming increasingly important. In fact, studies show that over 45% of small businesses don’t have a website at all. For those businesses that are looking to get online, WordPress is a great option. WordPress websites are versatile, easy to set up and maintain, making it the perfect platform for small businesses, yet many large companies use it too. 

If you’re a small business owner, then you know that having a strong online presence is essential in today’s world. A great web design also affects the decision-making of your target audiences too. And if you’re not using WordPress to power your website, then you’re missing out on some serious benefits.

Are you ready to set up your WordPress website, but not sure whether you should do it yourself or invest in a WordPress web designer? If so, read on for 10 reasons why investing in a WordPress web designer is the way to go. From building a professional website that reflects your businesses’ unique brand, to ensuring that your website is search engine friendly and easy to update, a WordPress web designer can help you get the most out of your website.

Table of Contents

Services Provided by a WordPress Web Designer

Services Provided by a WordPress Web Designer

What are the services that you can expect from web designers? Here is a short list to give you an idea on what you can expect from WordPress web designers.

WordPress Installation & Configuration


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. WordPress is free and open-source software released under the GNU General Public License.

A WordPress web designer can help you with the installation and configuration of WordPress on your website. They can also help you to choose and install the right plugins, configure your settings, and customise your theme.

Theme Customisation


Theme customisation on WordPress enables you to change the appearance and functionality of your website by customising the look and feel of your theme, and by adding or editing custom CSS and PHP code. A WordPress web designer can help you to customise your theme to match your brand or style, and to add features and functionality that you need.

Plugin Installation & Configuration


Plugins are small pieces of software that can be used to add extra features and functionality to WordPress websites. Thousands of plugins are available for free download from the WordPress plugin repository, or from other sources.

A WordPress web designer can help you to decide the right plugins for your website, install them, and configure them correctly. They can also help you to troubleshoot any problems that may occur.

Custom CSS & PHP Code


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a code language used to style the appearance of web pages. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language used to create dynamic websites.

If you want to introduce changes to your website that are not possible with your theme or plugins, you will need to add custom CSS or PHP code. A WordPress web designer can help you to understand how to make these changes, and can also help you to troubleshoot any issues that may occur.

WordPress Maintenance & Security


WordPress websites need to be kept up-to-date with the latest version of WordPress, and with the latest versions of all themes and plugins. WordPress websites also must be backed up regularly, and security measures must be taken to protect against hacking and malware.

A WordPress web designer can help you to keep your website up-to-date, backed up, and secure. They can also help you to troubleshoot any problems that may occur.

How Can a WordPress Web Designer Help in Creating Successful Websites

How Can a WordPress Web Designer Help in Creating Successful Websites

There are a few key ways in which a WordPress web designer can help you to create successful websites.

Firstly, they can help you to install WordPress correctly, and to configure it correctly. Secondly, they can help you to choose the right theme and plugins for your website, and can customise your theme to match your brand or style. Finally, they can help you to add custom CSS or PHP code to your website, if you need to make changes that are not possible with your theme or plugins.

If you want to create successful WordPress websites, then working with a WordPress web designer is a great way to achieve this.

How to Find a Reliable Web Design Team

There are a few ways that you can find reliable WordPress web development team. You can ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues who have used a web designer in the past. You can also search for web designers on Google, and look at their customer reviews. After you create a list of your initial research, you can contact a few web design companies and ask for quotes.

When you are looking for a WordPress web designer, it is important to make sure that they have experience in designing WordPress websites. You should also make sure that they can customise your theme to match your brand or style. Finally, you should make sure that they can provide support if you encounter any problems.

If you follow these tips, then you should be able to find a reliable WordPress web designer who can help you to create successful websites.

Why Should Invest in a WordPress Web Designer (Our Top 10 Reasons)

Why Should Invest in a WordPress Web Designer (Our Top 10 Reasons)

If you are a small business owner, or entrepreneur, it is important to have a strong web presence. Not only does this help customers find your business, but it also gives you credibility. One of the best ways to create a strong web presence for your business is through WordPress web design.

1. WordPress is One of the Top Preferred Website Platforms


WordPress is an outstanding platform that allows you to create a beautiful website without having to learn to code or hire a professional.

2. Unique Websites for Your Needs


A WordPress web designer can help you save time and money by creating a custom website that is unique to your business.

3. Achieve Easy to Use Responsive WordPress Websites


They can help you create a responsive website that looks great on all devices, from computers to tablets to smartphones.

4. Affordable UX Designer for Your Needs


Professional web design teams can help you create a website that is easy to navigate and use, making it more user-friendly for your visitors. Your UI and UX needs are taken into account by these WordPress web design agencies.

5. Wide Option of WordPress Plugins


WordPress web design teams can help you add features and functionality to your website, such as ecommerce capabilities, social media integration, and more. WordPress sites can be easily customised to a brand’s needs with the custom WordPress themes and functionalities available in the platform.

6. Search Engine Optimised WordPress Site


WordPress website professionals can help you optimise your website for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find your business. WordPress offers built in plugins that make it easier to optimise the website for search engines.

7. Accessibility


A WordPress web designer can help you create a website that is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. They are up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends that can help create responsive design that makes your website extremely easy to use for your target audiences.

8. Secure Websites


They can help you create a website that is secure and safe from hackers with various security plugins and software.

9. Ongoing Support


A WordPress web designer can help you troubleshoot any problems you have with your website, and provide support if needed. They can provide ongoing support after the creation and launch of your new website.

10. Economical


Hiring a WordPress website design team can help you create a website that is affordable and within your budget.

If you are looking to create a strong web presence for your business, then investing in a WordPress web designer is a smart choice. They can help you create a beautiful and user-friendly website that will help you attract new customers and grow your business.

Benefits of Working with Professional WordPress Web Designers

Benefits of Working with Professional WordPress Web Designers

WordPress web development plays a vital role in creating successful websites. They bring their creative vision and technical expertise to the table, helping to turn website dreams into reality. Without them, many sites would never get off the ground. So if you’re looking to create a successful website, be sure to partner with a talented WordPress web designer.

WordPress web design agencies can help businesses to create successful websites. They can help to install WordPress correctly, and to configure it according to your needs. Secondly, they can help to choose the right theme and plugins for your website, and can customise your theme to match your brand or style. Lastly, they can help you to add custom CSS or PHP code to your website, if you need to make changes that are not possible with your theme or plugins.

Cost of Investment for a WordPress Web Designer vs In-House Web Designers

Cost of Investment for a WordPress Web Designer vs In-House Web Designers

When it comes to the cost of a WordPress web designer, there are two options: hiring a web designer to work in-house, or hiring a freelance web designer.

How much does an in-house web development team will cost you?


Hiring a web designer to create your own website in-house can be expensive, as you will have to provide them with a salary and benefits. However, this option can be more cost-effective in the long run, as you will not need to pay for the cost of a freelance web designer.

The average yearly WordPress Developer salary in Australia is $121,667. Entry-level positions start at $76,667 per year, while senior-level jobs may pay up to $141,667 per year. This will cost you around $8,889 to $11,805 a month plus benefits, not mention the hiring process. 

On top of salary, you will need to pay for software and programs together with the overhead cost such as your web developer’s computer, hard drives and other necessities required to fulfil their role.

What is the cost of hiring a freelance WordPress website design team?


Hiring a freelance WordPress web designer can be cheaper than hiring a web designer to work in-house, but you will have to pay for their services on a project-by-project basis. This can be more expensive in the long run, as you may have to hire a different freelance web designer for each project.

They generally have packages starting at around $250 for the most basic pages and progressing up to $500 or $1,000 for somewhat more complicated ones. When it comes to personalisation, you may anticipate to pay between $30 and $50 per hour for special labour above and beyond the basic package fee.

So, which is better: hiring a WordPress web designer to work in-house or hiring a freelance web designer? Just remember, they only do what you ask them to do. This will cost you more downtime in the future and maybe some headaches. We know this because we have clients who have wanted time and money doing this. 

It depends on your needs and budget. If you want a website that is customised to match your brand or style, then hiring a freelance WordPress web designer is the better option.

However, if you require someone who can help you to keep your website up-to-date and secure, then hiring a WordPress web designer to work in-house may be the better option.

Common Mistakes When Hiring Web Designers

Common Mistakes When Hiring Web Designers

When it comes to building a website, there are plenty of different factors to consider. One of the most important decisions you’ll make is whom to hire as your web designer.

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who claim to be web designers but don’t have the skills or experience to back up their claims. As a result, many businesses end up making common mistakes when hiring web designers, which can cost them both time and money.

Here are 9 common mistakes businesses make when hiring web designers:

1. Lack of portfolio


One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when hiring web designers is not checking their portfolio. A good web designer should have a strong portfolio that showcases their previous work. This will give you an idea of their style, skills, and experience. If a web designer doesn’t have a portfolio, or if their portfolio is weak, it’s a good idea to move on to someone else.

2. Not Asking for References


Another mistake businesses make when hiring web designers is not asking for references. Any reputable web designer should be able to provide you with a list of satisfied clients. These references can provide valuable insights into the quality of the designer’s work and their customer service skills.

3. Vague Budget on the Project


One of the most important things to discuss with any potential web designer is your budget. It’s critical to be up front about your budget so that the designer can provide you with a proposal that fits within your budget. Otherwise, you may end up paying for services that you can’t afford or that are out of your price range.

4. Not Reading the Fine Print


Many web design contracts contain clauses that allow the designer to modify the agreed-upon price or scope of work. As a result, it’s critical to read over any contract carefully before signing it. This way, you’ll know exactly what you’re agreeing to and won’t be caught off guard by any unexpected fees or charges.

5. Failure to Secure a Written Estimate


In addition to reading over the contract, it’s also significant to get a written estimate from the web designer. This estimate should outline all the costs associated with the project, as well as the expected timeline. Once you have this estimate in hand, you can compare it to other proposals to ensure that you’re getting the best value for your money.

6. Not Checking Their Credentials


Just because someone claims to be a web designer doesn’t mean that they actually are one. As such, it’s indispensable to verify the credentials of any potential web designer before hiring them. The best way to do this is to check with the Better Business Bureau or another similar organisation to see if there have been any complaints filed against the designer in question.

7. Not Meeting in Person


Another mistake businesses make when hiring web designers is not meeting with them in person. While it’s possible to communicate via email or telephone, there’s no substitute for an in-person meeting. This allows you to get a better sense of the designer’s personality and see if they’re someone you’ll be able to work well with.

8. Missing Work History


It’s also critical to check the work history of any potential web designer. This includes looking at their previous projects and clients to see if they have the experience necessary to complete your project successfully. If a designer doesn’t have a lot of relevant experience, it may be best to look elsewhere.

9. Lack of Detailed Proposal


A good proposal should outline the designer’s proposed solution to your problem, as well as their fee structure. If a designer isn’t able to provide you with a comprehensive proposal, it may be best to look elsewhere.




WordPress Web Designers Frequently Asked Questions

What makes WordPress the preferred choice for the majority of web designers?

WordPress stands as the top choice for web designers due to its versatility and user-friendly interface. It accommodates diverse business needs, facilitating seamless WordPress website design and development, including eCommerce stores like feature-rich WooCommerce setups. Its support for custom WordPress websites ensures tailored solutions.

WordPress offers a vibrant community of designers and developers, along with a friendly support team. With its adaptability and scalability, WordPress caters to both beginners and seasoned professionals, making it the preferred platform for crafting dynamic and functional websites.
WordPress extensive library of themes and plugins allows for endless customisation options, giving designers the creative freedom to bring their visions to life.

WordPress is constantly evolving with new updates and features, keeping up with the latest web design trends and technology. This makes it a reliable and future-proof choice for building websites that can adapt to changing business needs.

Is SEO Optimisation the greatest advantage of WordPress?

While SEO Optimisation is a significant advantage of WordPress, it’s not the sole reason for its popularity. WordPress excels in various aspects such as user-friendly website design, eCommerce store integration, and customizable features.

Its support for SEO strategies boosts organic traffic, but its flexibility, support community, and ability to meet diverse business needs contribute equally to its appeal among designers. Remember SEO strategy is needed for great SEO resualts.

How can you select the best WordPress web designers for your project?

  • Assess Portfolio: Review the designer’s previous work to gauge expertise in WordPress website design, particularly focusing on eCommerce store projects and feature-rich WooCommerce setups.
  • Check Reviews and Testimonials: Look for feedback from past clients to evaluate the designer’s performance and their ability to meet business needs and provide friendly support.
  • Inquire About SEO Strategy: Discuss the designer’s approach to SEO optimization to ensure the website attracts organic traffic and meets quality audit standards.
  • Evaluate Technical Proficiency: Assess their capability to avoid bloated code and create custom WordPress websites tailored to your requirements.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Ensure effective communication channels are established, fostering collaboration to achieve desired results for your WordPress site.
  • Consider Budget and Timeline: Discuss pricing and project timelines to ensure they align with your budget constraints and the urgency of launching your new eCommerce store.
  • Seek Recommendations: Utilise recommendations from peers or industry experts to identify reputable WordPress designers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects.
  • Cost vs. Value: Consider the balance between pricing and the value offered, ensuring you get the best return on investment for your project.

How much is the usual fee that a WordPress designer charge?

WordPress designers typically charge an hourly rate for their services. However, some designers may also offer fixed-price packages for specific projects. When requesting a quote from a WordPress designer, be sure to ask about their pricing structure so that you can budget accordingly.

What are the common issues that businesses face when working with web designers?

Missed deadlines – Missed deadlines are another common problem businesses face when working with web designers. Deadlines are often tight in the design industry, so it’s important to select a designer who you feel confident can meet your timeline. Be sure to discuss the project timeline with the designer before work begins and get their commitment in writing.

How to Get Most Out of Your Investment from Your WordPress Web Designer

When hiring a WordPress web designer, make sure you fully understand what you want your website to achieve. Do you want to increase sales, generate leads, or both? Knowing your goals will help you find the right designer who can create a site that will help you reach them.

Ready to hire your very own WordPress web designer for your brand? Contact Sydney Design Website Agency to get started today.

How Can I Improve my New Ecommerce Store with a Quality SEO Strategy?

Implementing a robust SEO strategy is crucial for optimising your new ecommerce store. Seek a friendly support team that specialises in wordpress website design to conduct a thorough website quality audit. 

Address issues like bloated code and ensure a custom WordPress setup for a feature-rich WooCommerce store.

Collaborating with experienced WordPress designers will enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your WordPress website, ensuring it’s primed for success in the online marketplace.

Why Should I Hire a WordPress Designer for a Custom WordPress Website?

Hiring a skilled WordPress designer is essential for crafting a custom WordPress website tailored to your needs. Their expertise in WordPress website design ensures your site reflects your brand effectively.

Through a website quality audit, they’ll refine the design, creating a feature-rich WooCommerce store if needed.

Collaborating with experienced WordPress designers guarantees a polished WordPress website that stands out in functionality and aesthetics, driving engagement and conversions.

How to Get Most Out of Your Investment from Your WordPress Web Designer



How to Get Most Out of Your Investment from Your WordPress Web Designer

When hiring a WordPress web designer, make sure you fully understand what you want your website to achieve. Do you want to increase sales, generate leads, or both? Knowing your goals will help you find the right designer who can create a site that will help you reach them.

Ready to hire your very own WordPress web designer for your brand? Contact Sydney Design Website Agency to get started today. 

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